寻找一个小而紧密的校园,充满了令人难以置信的实践学习机会? Our Admissions Office can help make 埃尔迈拉大学 YOUR place.
From the moment they step foot on campus, 我们的学生开始了一段旅程,发现他们是谁,并找到他们在世界上的位置. Every day they soar higher, 这是一种回馈学院的文化,以及支持了几代飞鹰队的奖学金项目.
My name is 凯特林·波特. I’m a Criminal Justice and Psychology double 主要, a Legal Studies Minor, and a member of the Tenacious Class of 2025.
I came to Elmira from the rural town of Eldred, 纽约, 我是班里的毕业生代表,也是高中唯一的女摔跤手. 而我的学习课程和会摔跤是选择mg冰球突破豪华版下载的重要因素, the scholarship I received made the greatest impact. Thanks to the generosity of alumna and alumnus, 像你这样的, I am able to move forward with my dream of being a lawyer, while participating in a sport I love.
Today, I can honestly say I’m so happy that I chose 埃尔迈拉大学. I am excelling academically, 每学期都在院长名单上,还被选入了Phi Beta Kappa荣誉协会. I have grown as a wrestler, learning from my Coach and team. However, my greatest accomplishment thus far has been finding my voice. As an individual who once struggled with speaking up, I’m truly grateful for the strength 埃尔迈拉大学 has instilled in me.
鼓舞未来的领导者是中央mg冰球突破豪华版下载的经验. I am thankful for all the opportunities Elmira has provided, and I look forward to my continued growth and success. Your gifts mean so much to students, like me, who rely on scholarships. 请今天就通过邮寄支票或上网捐款 www.埃尔迈拉.edu/give,或者打电话 (607) 735-1770.
凯特林·波特 ’25
–Barbara Corti Herrmann '62
Special events like Giving Tuesday and Elmira Everlasting have seen record success thanks to your support. Because of this generosity, 我们可以为学生提供优秀奖学金和其他经济援助, 这一切都是为了让后代具备在当今世界取得成功所需的知识和批判性思维技能.
想要在你的mg冰球突破豪华版下载留下一个持久的遗产? 2008届毕业生在此指导你们通过简单的步骤来产生真正的影响. The Class has already gotten a jump on their 2028 Reunion Class Gift, 为佩里和汤普金斯宿舍楼之间的校园庭院提供资金, by utilizing the three easy steps below. 这些步骤一定会让你的同学参与进来,并帮助你创造一个你的班级将自豪地留下的持久的遗产.
When asked why she supports 埃尔迈拉大学, Class Agent Megan Metro ’08, 解释了, “It will forever be my home away from home. 这么多年过去了,当我踏上校园时,我仍然感到“温暖而模糊”. 正是在这里,我走上了成为今天的我的道路. 我知道文科教育是多么具有变革性,没有Alumni的帮助也是如此, I would not have had the experiences I did. After being on the receiving end, 这让我很高兴把它传递出去,帮助现在的学生. 欧共体建立在传统之上,其中之一就是Alumni参与和支持的传统. I’m truly so proud to get to be a part of that tradition.”
你们的班级可以共同产生持久的影响,确保为子孙后代留下遗产. For information on getting your Class involved or project ideas, contact the EC Advancement Office at (607) 735-1770 or advancement@埃尔迈拉.edu.